• Ambassador-Program-Banner---Blank.png
  • Ambassador Program

  • What is a Chamber Ambassador? 

  • Chamber Ambassadors are enthusiastic, outgoing members of the Chamber of Commerce from a variety of professional backgrounds. As an Ambassador, you will be one of the most visible faces of our organization. Your goals are to support and promote activities that are designed to have an impact on strengthening the business climate in our region. The Fort Saskatchewan & Lamont Regional Chamber of Commerce asks our Ambassadors to help us draw together business leaders for the purpose of increasing community awareness, goodwill, and economic growth for their business and the Chamber. 

  • What does a Chamber Ambassador do? 

  • The Ambassador Program assists the Chamber staff with a variety of activities:

    •  Assisting in Member Relations
      • Mentoring New Members
      • Making Phone Calls
      • Conducting Visits With Members
      • Recruiting New Members
      • Member Retention
    •  Assisting at Luncheons/Events
      • Serving as Greeters
      • Staffing Check-In Table
      • Serving as Table Hosts
    • Attending Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies

  • Why become a Chamber Ambassador?

  • Ambassadors are the face of the Chamber! And, by being an Ambassador, you will be the first point of contact for many new members and have the opportunity for high visibility networking. Your involvement with Chamber events will ensure your business is always involved and kept up to date on what is going on in the community.

  • How do I become a Chamber Ambassador? 

  • If you are a Chamber Member who is interested in becoming an Ambassador, please complete the application using the link on the right side of the page. Complete the form online or contact our Member Services and Administrative Coordinator, at hello@fortsaskchamber.com to find out more about this exciting volunteer opportunity!